Monday, 26 August 2019

Weight Loss : Bread or Roti ? Which is the best option for Weight loss !!!

Bread or Roti
Roti or Chapati is easy and go to food in all South Asian Countries. Nowadays Bread has gain a lot of popularity, as being readily available in the market. White Breads have now turned Brown and replaced Roti in many healthy Kitchens. But can we find Bread a healthy option for our Weight loss!!

 Roti is made naturally and purely out of Whole Wheat Flour with the rusk . Most brown bread brands come with refined flour that makes the bread lose many of the nutrients.
The refined flour lacks natural minerals and vitamins and most of the vital nutrients get damaged in refining, leaving behind a rich source of sugar.
 It's easy to guess that rotis are way more nutritious than brown bread.

Roti is low in calories , full of fibres and minerals and a complete food. Whereas Bread lacks a lot of Fiber, and Vitamins and Minerals are lost during the processing of bread.

Bread is more of a convenient and easy option to get compared to roti which involves a lot of handwork and is easily available outside.

No yeast is added to the dough in the case of roti, while yeast is added in the baking of bread. Yeast may not suit some people when it comes to digestion.

Compared to a chapati, bread making involves a lot of ingredients and baking time. whereas chapati is just water and flour. 

Bread preparing involves adding of preservatives. Because they are mainly found at stores, they need to be fresh for at least some ample of time. Thus preservatives are added. However, rotis can be prepared at home without the addition of any such ingredient.

Although brown bread for weight loss has replaced white bread, don’t choose them blindly.
Roti is definitely better than brown bread. Roti is a much healthier option to consume as it is made with whole grains which are filled with fibers rich in carbohydrates, soluble fiber and proteins.
These fibers help boost your energy, promote healthy blood circulation and fill up your stomach. It is easy to digest it as the soluble fibers dissolve easily and pass through the intestines.

Let’s Sum up all the Information:

Added Sugar

Zero Added Sugar
Preservatives are added to keep it fresh

Freshly prepared and eaten
Often made of Refined Flour

Made of Whole Wheat Flour
Sodium content is high

Very little or zero Sodium added
Involves a Lot of ingredients and Baking time

Made with just two ingredients (Flour & water) and very less preparation time
Difficult to make at Home
Easy to make at home

Low Fiber content

High Fiber content
Vitamins and Minerals lost during processing

Retains High Vitamins and Minerals
Yeast is used in processing

No Yeast is used
Involves Fermentation of Dough

Does not Involves Fermentation of Dough
Easily available Over the Counter

Not very Easily available Over the Counter
Colouring Agent may have been used

No colouring Agent is Used
Comparatively high in calories

Low in calories

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