Saturday, 24 August 2019

Over Eating Fruits for the Sake of Weight Loss!!! Do fruits contain healthy sugar? Is fruit sugar healthy for you? : Weight loss, Health, Fitness and Lifestlye

πŸ‡Fruits are healthy to eat but have you ever given a thought to the number of calories they have. Could having a lot of fruits make you healthy or obese?? But, in the name of weight loss we overdue many things.

πŸ‰Fruits also contain carbohydrates, fats, and most importantly sugar. Over-eating fruits adds more calories to your daily calorie intake and thus, becomes a concern for overweight people or diabetics. Such people need to reduce or keep an eye on the caloric content of every fruit.

πŸ₯Fruits must be part of a well-balanced diet, but that diet must also consist of a certain amount of vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats.

πŸ‡You get 2 very important things from fruit lots of fibre and lots of micro nutrients. Now coming to our topic , is fruit sugar really healthy?? When you breakdown Sugar inside a fruit , you are left with the same constituent that makes up blood sugars in our body. When broken down to the core , there is close to no difference between a raw sugar or fruit sugars.

πŸ‰In trying to lose weight, THE BIGGEST mistake that people make in terms of diet, is that they are eating too much fruit, way too often!

πŸ₯‘Unlike processed sugar, fruits aren't entirely unhealthy. But, If your goal is weight loss, then sugar is your one biggest enemy, in that case MODERATION is the key to go!!

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